Monday, June 24, 2013

Manga Review ~ R. O. D. (Read Or Die #1) Story by Hideyuki Kurata, illustrations by Shutaro Yamada


Title: R. O. D. (Read Or Die #1)
Author: Story by Hideyuki Kurata, Illustrations by Shutaro Yamada 
Release Date: March 21st 2006 (first published October 2000)
Published By: VIZ Media
Page Amount: 224 pages, paperback
Rating: Rated for Young Adults

Not Your Average Bookworm
Yomiko Readman's love for literature goes far beyond any run-of-the-mill-bookworm's! In fact, she has a supernatural ability to manipulate paper in the most amazing ways. From turning a tiny scrap into a lethal throwing dagger to making a single sheet hard enough to block bullets, she's only limited by her imagination. She uses her phenomenal power to seek out legendary books containing secret information that, in the wrong hands, could be dangerous. Backed by a Special Operations Division in England, Yomiko has her hands full battling evildoers, saving the world, and trying to find time to curl up with a good book.

This is definitely different than any manga I have read. I used to read manga more often in high school. In high school I mostly read what I suppose you would call high fantasy manga. I have a feeling there is a proper name for such manga. . . Shojo? (Or at least that's what it said it was inside this manga). I'm not sure. 

Anyway, I enjoyed this manga a lot. This may because I'm a bibliophile as well. My favorite line in this would have to be "She can't go a day without books."  This line sums me up. This manga also had a lot of action in it. More than I was expecting. 

There is an element of magic as well - with Yomiko Readman being a Paper Master (she has the ability to manipulate paper. See blurb above). But the conflicts that arise, for the most part, do not have their main roots in magic. I don't want to say what the main conflict is because I don't want to give away any spoilers. Maybe I can give you a hint though. Hmmm. . . Stephen King. That's all. I'll leave you to ponder that. If you figure it out please don't leave it in the comments so as to not to spoil anyone. 

The only negative thing I can say is that at times the action seemed a bit disjointed. I did figure it out, but I had to stop and think about what was happening. Other than that, I really enjoyed this. I would say it is very close to 4 stars, but, only because of that bit with the action, it gets 3.75 stars! (Still, a very good rating! I really enjoyed this!)

<3 Amanda Leigh

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