Title: Transcendence (Transcned Time Saga Bonus Packet) by Michelle Madow
Author: Michelle Madow
Released: December 25th 2012
Published By: Dreamscape Publishing
Page Amount: 72 pages, nook edition
GoodReads Blurb:
- Sneak peak of Remembrance
- Bonus scene for Remembrance
- Deleted chapter from Timeless
- Character extras for Lizzie, Drew, Chelsea, Jeremy, and Hannah
- Author interviews
- Essays written by Michelle Madow about the series
The Transcend Time Saga is about a high school student named Lizzie who has
been reincarnated from Regency Era, England, but doesn’t realize it until she
meets her soul mate from the past and he triggers her memories to gradually
return. The series began with Remembrance (published July 25, 2011), was
followed by the short story Vengeance (published December 8, 2011), and
concluded with Timeless (published November 20, 2012). The series has sold a
significant number of copies, and has received much praise from reviewers.
I absolutely love the concept for this book! As a writer and reader this bonus packet of material is like cookie dough to me. I could keep going back. The deleted scenes are something I've always been curious about. What's in the author's mind that didn't necessarily get into the final book?
The character biographies were amazing. Seeing extras about all of them makes me feel I know them more. Some of my favorites were Lizzie's Favorite Books, Lizzie's Favorite Love Stories, Chelsea's Favorite Makeup Products and Drew's Favorite Songs. Something else I loved was the favorite ice cream flavor and the analysis that followed.
The writer in me especially loved the interviews with Michelle about writing the Transcend Time Saga and writing in general. Her essays about her experience with independent publishing and the development of the Transcend Time Saga were so interesting to read. I love getting all of this insight. I am working on a novel right now. I've wanted to be an author since I was eight. Bonus materials like this only reaffirm my desire.
Michelle Madow has done a wonderful job compiling this bonus packet. If you want a look into the world of the Transcend Time Saga or want to know more about Michelle you have to put this on your list. Worth it for sure and a great addition to the Transcend Time Saga. I give this 4 stars!
<3 Amanda Leigh