Monday, October 28, 2013

Book Review ~ Diary of the White Witch: A Witches of East End Prequel by Melissa De La Cruz


Title: Diary of the White Witch: A Witches of East End Prequel
Author: Melissa De La Cruz
Release Date: June 12th, 2012 
Published By: Hyperion 
Page Amount: 24 pages on my Nook 

GoodReads Blurb: 
The exciting prequel to the Witches of East End series from Blue Bloods author, Melissa de la Cruz. 

In the February of 2012 I read another Witches of East End Prequel .(Although I didn't post the review until August. -Was this really only in 2012? Wow-). Well, it was called a Witches of East End Primer. It was pretty good. It's so funny, sometimes when you look at a book that you read a year later sometimes you would change the rating. I think now I would give that book about 3.5 stars probably. You can find that review here:

This prequel was okay. I enjoyed it. It was a fun, quick read. I enjoyed the format of it a lot. I always enjoy something told through a diary entry format. Being an avid journaler myself, I love this format. 

I tink that Melissa De La Cruz did a nice job of showing the reader that this witch has been around for a while. Via the language Ingrid chooses to use. You can also see the contrast between Ingrid and  her sister Freya pretty well. Melissa De La Cruz also sets up the fact that something sinister is brewing; so that was alright but for some reason I wanted more about that. It didn't seem done to me. 

Ingrid was rather naive about her feelings about Matthew Noble. And I realize this is just the way this character is but for some reason it sort of irritated me. Reading it you can tell that she "likes" this guy or there is some sort of attraction and she is going on about how she doesn't understand why she just wrote about how she met in her diary. Instead she could have just written that she already loathes him. Also, I found several errors in editing in this so I couldn't over look that. I would give this one 3 stars. If you've read this or the Witches of East End series let me know. I would like to hear your opinion and if I should give it a shot. Thanks! :) 

<3 Amanda Leigh


  1. Oh my gosh! I have not read this yet! I've been back and forth on it. I loved the blue bloods! I owe them all, but wasn't so sure about this.. :) Of course, I'm watching the show and LOVING it!

    1. I love the Blue Bloods series too! Still need to finish it... I've been back and forth on the Witches of East End Series too. I've read both the "Primer" and the "Prequel". They haven't impressed me as much as the Blue Bloods series though. So I'm still not sure if I'm going to read this series.

      The show looks creepy! Like Charmed times a
