Title: Blue Bloods: The Graphic Novel (Blue Bloods: The Graphic Novel #1)
Author: story by: Melissa De La Cruz adapted by: Robert Venditti art by: Alina Urosuv
Release Date: January 15th 2013
Published By: Hyperion
Page Amount: 112 pages, paperback
Goodreads Blurb:
For this group of gorgeous teens, New York is all about
parties, fashion...and blood.
Schuyler Van Alen is a loner and happy that way. But when she turns fifteen,
her life dramatically changes. A mosaic of blue veins appears on her arms, and
she begins to have memories of another time and place. When a classmate is
found dead at a nightclub, the mystery deepens. Most surprising of all, Jack
Force, the hottest boy in school, starts showing a sudden interest in her.
Schuyler wants answers, but is she prepared to learn the truth...especially
when she discovers her part in it?
The sexy and secretive world of the Blue Bloods comes to life in this stunning
graphic novel adaptation of Book One of Melissa de la Cruz's best-selling
I love graphic novels! They are a great way to combine my love of reading and my love of art into one neat package!
I have been a fan and a follower of Melissa de La Cruz's Blue Bloods series since my freshman year of college about 4 years ago. I like the spin she puts on the world of vampires. My favorite character in the series is Dylan Ward. So when I saw that there was a graphic novel I knew I HAD to get it!
(If you would like me to, I can do a series review when I finish this series.)
I thought the artwork in this graphic novel was absolutely beautiful! The artwork was in full color. Most of the characters were how I pictured them. Schuyler Van Allen the most so. I pictured Bliss a bit differently. I thought she was just a bit too thin. And I remember in the description of her little sister, Jordan, it said that she was a bit heavy. The girl in the graphic novel did not show any sign of chubbiness or baby fat. Jack Force is pretty much how I pictured him.
The story was fairly well adapted. You get the overall gist of it. If you are someone who hasn't read the novels and only chooses to read the graphic novels you may be slightly wanting for more answers. If you have read the novels though then this is a great companion to go along with them! And as I said, the artwork really is beautiful. I do recommend this one. I give this 3.75 stars!
<3 Amanda Leigh