Title: Flaw (Flaw Series #1)
Author: Ryan Ringbloom
Release Date: January 20th 2014
Published By: Ryan Ringbloom
Page Amount: 360 pages, Paperback
GoodReads Blurb:
What can be said about Josh Brewster? Nothing good, that's for sure. Just ask anyone. They'll be quick to tell you. Josh is a selfish, sweet-talking manipulator who will charm you in a minute, all the while planning his next move. He uses. He leaves. All Josh desires is things that come easy. Why actually work hard for something when you don't have to?
When Josh comes to face to face with a girl who’s doesn’t make anything easy, Josh begins questioning the game he's played so long. He’s suddenly eager to learn how to work for something he never imagined wanting. Can a player really change his ways? Better yet, will his past forgive?
Aidan Turner has had a rough life, a life that has only become harsher as he's gotten older. The scars across his face serve as a constant reminder of the haunting nightmares from his past life. Seeing himself as nothing but a monster, Aidan believes no one will ever be able to look past his flaws.
His reasoning is about to change when his very own beauty comes barreling in, sparking emotions he'd thought he'd never feel. Love sizzles between them, but his friendship with another girl complicates everything, especially after the nature of their friendship becomes confused. Will friendship overshadow his true feelings and ruin both couples’ chances at happiness?
Warning – Mature Content.
Fans of WAIT keep reading after the story ends for the bonus chapter: Tessa and Tucker – The Wait is Over.
It's a hard choice for what is my favorite in these two series of companion novels. The choice for me is between this book, Flaw, and the next book, Panic. But I think that this book has just a slight edge over Panic for me.
I've always had this thing about understanding people; trying to figure out why they are they way that they are. In this book, I got to learn more about Josh. Who, up until now, was just the bad boy that always caused the problems. I liked that I got to know more about him, see more into his life. And yes, he ticked me off. But the thing is, he did have a lot of character development throughout the book. By the end, I even ended up liking him.
I enjoyed the love stories in this book, as well. What was interesting about it to me, was that it was almost like a love...quandrangle, sort of. (haha). You would have to read it to understand, but I liked the dimension that it offered to the story.
Oh and the bonus chapter was great, too. ;)
So, I would say definitely check this one out. I gave this one 4.75 stars!!
<3 Amanda Leigh