Monday, May 12, 2014

In Which I Talk About April NaNoWriMo

I never updated you all on how April Camp NaNoWriMo went for me, so I'm going to do that today! 

It went extremely well and I am so happy about that. :) Something that I found out along the way was that we could include any words of planning in our final word count as long as we had written them that month. Well, I had written about 5,000 words of planning in early April so I got to include that. And I got to about 45,000 words on the actual novel. It took me about another week or so to finish the first draft. I actually just finished it on Tuesday. Right after I finished I thought to myself "Well, now what do I do?" I loved writing that story so, so much. I know the characters so well. It was fun to write a draft in just five weeks, I had never done that before. It was such a huge contrast to how long it took me to complete the draft of the novella that I wrote. 

Right now I'm stepping away from the manuscript for a while. The next step, of course, will be to do a round of edits and then send it off to my wonderful critique partner. In the meantime, however, I am going to be figuring out if this story is going to be a duology or a trilogy. ;) 

<3 Amanda Leigh

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